Thursday, October 18, 2012

Two more loading frames completed

Loading frames for cyclic triaxial test and hollow cylinder torsional test were completed.

The cyclic triaxial test (left) uses 10 cm diameter x 20 cm height sample for studying the small strain behaviour of residual soil under cyclic loading. Also the triaxial test apparatus is capable of measuring AE (Acoustic Emission) of soil that is used to study the yielding behaviour of soil.

The hollow cylinder torsional test (right) uses 10 cm outer diameter & 6 cm inner diameter hollow cylinder specimen with 20 cm height. The torsional force is applied by the megatorque motor and the vertical load is applied by the air cylinder above. Through a combination of torsional force and vertical load, it is possible to apply a maximum shear stress on soil specimen along any desired inclined plane from horizontal (i.e., stress rotation is also possible).

All these loading frames are produced by the machine shop of Faculty of Engineering & Science (FES)  of UTAR.

Should you have any interest on these apparatus, please contact us at

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