Thursday, December 13, 2012

Shaking Table Started to Operate

This week, the operation of shaking table has started successfully. The shaking table is operated by sending a digital command to the controller of mega-torque motor. Both regular and irregular shaking is possible by using a program on laptop computer written in Visual Basic. This program is written by Dr. Lohani of GEO. institute of Japan. Because some response limitation of the mega-torque motor, the shaking is possible within a limit that is combination of frequency and shaking displacement.

The next task of FYP team is to find out these limits and calibrate the shaking intensities that can be applied by this apparatus. As these apparatus have been assembled entirely by the technical staff of UTA (FES/Civil), the maintenance and further developments of such apparatus would be possible.

If there is any interest on this apparatus, please write to

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