Thursday, October 3, 2013

Shaking Table Test with Model 10 Story Structure

Second FYP2 group has completed the shaking table test with both soil foundation and model structure.
This research project was conducted by the second FYP2 students during May-August 2013 who succeeded the work of previous FYP2 students of Jan-April 2013. The aim of their study was to examine the dynamic interaction between the soil foundation and the model high rise structure.

The model soil ground was made by compacting residual soil, and the model structure was built by using balsa wood. It was found that there is a certain frequency of shaking that induces a large amplification of shaking. The video shows a strong shaking of both foundation soil and model structure. Altogether eight accelerometers were attached to soil and structure. The analysis of the results is currently being done.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Cubical Triaxial Cell

Recently, a new addition of triaxial test apparatus was made by fabricating two cubical triaxial cell to conduct various triaxial cell. These apparatus were fabricated by the technical staff of UTAR machine shop, and the details are given as follows;

Saturday, March 30, 2013

FYP Students Completing Their Experiments

Three teams of FYP students are working hard to complete their experiments before start writing final FYP reports. Three teams, namely Standard Triaxial Team, Shaking Table Team and Cyclic Triaxial Test Teams, are nearly completing their experiments as shown below. They have a common task of finding out the deformation and strength properties of residual soil. Although they have taken undisturbed samples from field, due to the time constrain only the tests on compacted soil with the same densities in the field are to be completed.

1) Standard Triaxial Team; Examining the effective stress paths during undrained shear
2) Shaking Table Test Team; Examining the shear modulus through shaking table test
3) Cyclic Triaxial Test Team; Examining the small strain behavior of compacted residual soil
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